Georgia State Research Magazine

Juan Banda posing on front porch.

Using Social Media to Map Disease

Georgia State computer scientist Juan Banda is tapping into Twitter data to learn more about people’s experiences during the pandemic.
Baozhong Wang lab

Preventing the Next Pandemic

Using an innovative strategy he developed against influenza, professor Baozhong Wang is working on a universal vaccine to protect against all coronaviruses.
image of garbage and the words "Waste Land " floating in the ocean

Waste Land

The world is increasingly filled with discarded plastic, and recycling alone won’t cut it. At Georgia State, biology professor Eric Gilbert is using tiny microbes to make a big dent in our plastic problem.
Courtney Anderson

Do No Harm

Courtney Anderson, associate professor in the College of Law, studies the intersection of health equity and the law.

Same Crime, More Time

Research reveals that racial disparities in the U.S. prison population have declined, but Blacks are still serving longer sentences than whites.
Gholnecsary Muhammad reading children

Cultivating Genius

In the College of Education and Human Development, associate professor Gholnecsar Muhammad has developed a better way to teach youth by giving voice to their own identities and experiences.
Man vaping in front of word "Hooked"


At the School of Public Health, researchers are studying how vaping got a new generation addicted to nicotine, and what’s needed to combat the growing epidemic.
Mangrove trees water boat

The Power of Trees

Georgia State researchers have examined how to diminish economic losses from hurricanes. One solution: More mangrove trees.