Georgia State Research Magazine

cybersecurity cybercrime illustration

Into the Breach

As cyber threats ramp up at home and around the world, Georgia State researchers are working to uncover how online criminals operate — and how to keep people, businesses and governments safe.

History Unearthed

Georgia State geoscientists dig up a connection between climate change and evolution.
Helix DNA

Body, Heal Thyself

How do cells repair damaged DNA? A Georgia State chemist finds it’s as simple as pinch, push, pull.
Gholnecsar Muhammad Black Girls Write

Making Space For Young Black Voices

With Black Girls WRITE, assistant professor Gholnecsar Muhammad recreates a 19th-century literary tradition for modern-day students.
Brain cake Neuroscience Institute

Minding the Brain

The university’s Neuroscience Institute celebrates a decade of discovery.
Richard Plemper of IBMS at Research Science Center

Protecting the Littlest Lungs

Respiratory syncytial virus sends thousands to the hospital every year and can be fatal for the very young and old — but there is no treatment. Professor Richard Plemper is working to change that.
Denish Shah Robinson Social Media Intelligence Lab

As the World Tweets

Denish Shah, director of the Social Media Intelligence Lab, talks about how social media insights are changing the way companies — even cities — operate.
Words Poison Pill with skull and cross bones

Poison Pill

Leaking from a faulty furnace or fireplace, carbon monoxide gas can kill. But scientists are finding that — given in small, targeted doses — it also has the power to treat illnesses ranging from cancer to sickle cell disease to traumatic brain injury. How one...