Georgia State Research Magazine

Candace Kemp gerontology

A Search For Meaning

What does a good life look like for people with dementia? Gerontology professor Candace Kemp is working to find out.
Patrick Freer Rialto College of the Arts

Boys To Men

Professor Patrick Freer is working to help choral teachers guide boys through the voice change.
geosciences igneous rock Costa Rica

Written In Stone

In Costa Rica, Georgia State scientists and students are studying how continental crust is formed.
microbiome research magazine slider

What Lies Within

Your body is much more than just flesh and bones. It’s a complex ecosystem teeming with trillions of microorganisms, which — as Georgia State scientists are finding — may be the key to understanding and treating all kinds of disease.
homelessness research magazine Elizabeth Beck

Picturing An End to Homelessness

Social work professor Elizabeth Beck has long grappled with the question: how can we solve America's homelessness problem? In a new book, she looks to the past for answers.
proctor creek watershed westside greenway

A River Runs Through It

Georgia State researchers worked hand-in-hand with residents of Atlanta’s Westside to map environmental health threats in the Proctor Creek Watershed.